Frans & Sareta
Kilima Private Game Reserve
It was an absolutely phenomenal wedding!
Otto de Jager Events spread their magic and turned it into the most breathtaking setting ever imaginable! It literately felt like a movie set! The attention to detail, extraordinary!!!!

I can not help but wonder about time and where exactly we all fit into the space of the universe.
Time is a funny thing, moments sometimes feels like years and years, what can I say, years go by so fast when you realise you look in the mirror and you can see that time has draped itself around you.
Because time is the one thing that doesn't stop or wait for anyone! As time carries us on our journey we are seeking, seeking for that one special person - our soulmate, the other half that will complete us. It is fascinating, I have been photographing wedding couples for the past nine years and I have experienced so many intense emotional connections between couples but with Frans & Sareta, it was different. Different on so many levels! There was something mystical and ancient about their love.
Something very profound happened, we went for a game drive on the Friday evening to scout for nice locations for photos when Frans turned to me and with deep sincerity and passion declared that he had loved this women for 500 years! And I realised something that I have been wondering about a lot, time is not just applicable here and now, time takes us beyond our life here on earth and our journey does not start and end on earth.
I know it is a controversial subject but hey, we can't all believe the same things can we? I believe what I feel inside and for the first time more than ever I am convinced!
Frans & Sareta, Wow it was a remarkable time! I connect with you and I could feel the power between you, it was special!!! More special then you will ever know:)
I feel so honoured that you chose me to capture these moments of your beautiful wedding!
Enjoy the memories
Louise x